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What We Do

Naugatuck Valley Project works to build relationships and partnerships at the local level and empower members of the community to stand together to win change. The NVP is led by a group of committees. All of our committees are guided by our core value of multicultural and interfaith solidarity.


We work to make every space we create welcoming, multicultural, and multi-lingual. We strive for racial equity, religious freedom, and language inclusion.


We welcome you to join a committee, and work with us to build relationships in your community.

Hospital Justice Committee

NVP’s healthcare justice work has primarily focused on the 2016 sale of Waterbury Hospital to for-profit Prospect Medical Holdings and the subsequent impact of this sale on our community’s workers AND patients. Prospect Medical Holdings has profited from tax breaks and cut corners while patients and workers have suffered.


Our ongoing campaign seeks to hold the hospital owners accountable and ensure our community hospital truly serves our community’s needs.


Image: NVP members ask city leaders to reconsider Prospect Medical Holdings’ $17 million dollar tax break as owners profit from cutting jobs

Activists stand in front of Waterbury city hall

Housing Opportunity Now! Committee

NVP has found, through surveys, that affordable housing is one of the most important concerns for families as well as seniors in the Naugatuck Valley Community.


NVP’s Housing Opportunity Now! Committee is working with several regional and national faith organizations to initiate an urban/suburban affordable housing development project for families and senior citizens.


Image: NVP organizer Karime Pimentel distributes food to the community outside the NVP offices. Check out this years National Low Income Housing Coalition Report!

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Domestic Workers Committee

Success and stability for working families is foundational to a healthy community. NVP engages in coalition work on behalf of our regions working people, standing in solidarity with them as they build power and fight for protections. We have worked alongside domestic workers in asking our elected leaders for the passage of laws supporting their rights, and have stood in solidarity with union members on the picket line.


Image: An NVP-led interfaith community solidarity gathering in 2018

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Environmental Justice Committee

A healthy community requires that the air we breathe and the ground our children run and play on be safe and clean. Our community is rich with the history of manufacturing, but also bears scars from our industrial past. NVP’s environmental Justice Committee is working to connect with residents living near toxic sites about what actions they might take to make their neighborhoods safer.


Image: a Neighborhood Housing Services community garden

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